Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Hello friends, Just wanted to get  started posting again on my blog. I don't know a lot about computers but would like to begin to learn what I have forgotten. Took a class at Gadsden State several years ago. A lot of things have changed since then. Windows 10 came along and just lost me and left me out in left field so must learn some more.  My Grandson teaches me a lot and he is only 13 but loves computers.  Maybe between the two of us we can work thru some problems. We are having a beautiful day today. Saw my first humming bird today., at work. I must get my feeders cleaned and filled at home.  Some of the iris are starting to bloom, they sure are pretty.  My Granddaughter turned 16 since my last post.  I pray the good Lord blesses her and my family every day. God has been good to us. My Jeep decided to quit on me and the Lord provided a way for us to get another vehicle.  It is a Ford. I hope everyone is well and doing good. Getting ready to plant some pretties. I love pretty things. Starting some new stitching probably tomorrow.  Also, I have decided  to get my eye lids fixed, they are covering my eye so it is hard for me to see sometimes. I don't think it will hurt too much.  God bless and send me a note sometimes.  Love to all, Paulette

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Well, I tried to get my dinner cooked, most of it, last night. My potatoes turned to mush, I was making potato salad. I threw that away and made some this morning.  I think we had a good lunch.
Church was good. Bro. Mark preached that Jesus is still alive.  Our Lord had to go thru so much this past week in history., we owe him our deepest praise for what he did for us. I want to thank him for what he did for me.
I am a little saddened today as one of the sweetest people I will ever know passed away. She battled cancer for a long time. She was a very talented person, she could do anything. She had two children, her husband is my cousin's son, her is also a fine person. Kelly had a way to make you love her and be comfortable around her.  She fought hard. She was beautiful inside and out. She will be missed. One day we will see her smiling face again. I thank God for the privilege of knowing her.
On another note, I wanted to take a picture of the pine trees when the buds looked like a cross, but the rain took most all them off. They only are like that for a day or two. I hope everyone has had a great day today and remember God is love and I love all of you.  Have a blessed week.  Later

Friday, March 30, 2018


My friend and I went searching for flowers. We had a real good day, the weather was cool but not to cold. We stopped at the fabric store and found a few cute pieces of fabric and some ribbon for our Christmas ornaments. Looking forward to making some more., got to get busy.  Today is very humbling as this is the day that signifies our Lord being crucified. I do not know how Mary could stand to see her son go thru all that he went thru. I just want to say thank you Jesus for dying for my sins and I want to see him someday.I hope everyone will have a great resurrection Sunday. God Bless everyone.  Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Today has been a good day. I turned 65 years of age today and it has been a cold birthday. I did not work today, just lazed around. It was in the 20's today., this is just to cold for me. I have a change that is taking place in my life and am looking forward to it. I will post more on this as things change. My Grandchildren are growing up. Brooks and Granddaddy's rabbit farm is growing some. We also still have goats. We have had 4 born in the past few days, the coldest days of the year.  We only have 1 girl out of the 4. I will post more later, I am going to go play Mario with my Grandson.  Love to all of you and God Bless each of you.

Friday, September 1, 2017


Well, I got to thinking about my "blog". I have not been on here in a long time so I decided to maybe begin posting again. I could not find my blog., so I call my trusty friend and ask her how to find it. Tried to get on my google acct and could not because I could not get my password to work.After my Grandson came home from school we found it together., he knows how to do a lot of things on the computer., I was just glad to find my blog again. This has been a good day. I have not been feeling the best in the world but I feel better now. It looks like rain just now. Texas has had flooding this week so we need to hold them up in our prayers. It is so sad for the people out there. My cousins are ok, they have a lot of cleaning up to do. I hope to get back to stitching or painting pretty soon. My Grandchildren are growing up. Brooks and Granddaddy have started them a rabbit business, they are doing well with it right now. They have meat rabbits and also some pet rabbits, they are sooooo cute. Just want to thank all that reads my blog and may the good Lord bless you in a special way. Will post some of the little rabbits later. Have a great weekend and be safe.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


It has been a while since I have been on my blog. New animals, surgery, test,but this is just blah stuff. All test ok and surgery went well, gallbladder taken out. My Mother-in-law passed away in April also,. miss her a lot. I am still looking for a way to use my buttons, these are very old and need to be used. I found them again and need to sell or use them. If any suggestion, please advise. There are several things I could use some prayer for, God knows all about it., so prayers please. I hope everyone who reads this will enjoy the moment, we may not have another. Love to you, Pamula   PS, pictures of buttons below

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I have so many of these vintage buttons, does anyone have any suggestions as to something to make out of them? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks