Sunday, October 28, 2012


I have so many of these vintage buttons, does anyone have any suggestions as to something to make out of them? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


If I remember correctly, this is the first piece I learned to stitch on. This was a fun adventure. Kathy taught me how to do things. Our friend Ms. Frances, Kathy and I would get together on a certain day and talk about our problems while we learned and stitched. Ms. Frances knew how to do more that I did, but we had fun anyway.  I was doing some cleaning and ran across this and wanted to share. I also would like to thank my friend, Kathy for all the things she has helped me with.  I probably will make a pillow with this some day.May the good Lord Bless and keep you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I did not have to work today.  I attended the fall festival at our little town, Piedmont, Alabama.  It is an old town.  I had a really good time, I saw a lot of people I had not seen in a long time, ate some goodies and enjoyed some music.  The town was road blocked off from traffic and you just walked down the streets with no worries about cars.  We had antique cars and tractors, some very pretty ones and some very loud ones. My friend's husband is in a car club and they were a lot of old cars there, there were old things, new things and things being made.  It was a beautiful day weather wise.  It was good just to hang out and do nothing. I saw a few of my cousins and their children.  I thought to myself, the very day you could sleep late, you get up early, oh well, don't need to sleep my life away.  The vendor that impressed me the most I suppose was the guy that had the leather booth.  He was very good at his trade and young also.  My cousin made sweet potato biscuits, they were very good.  She loves to cook, her husband grilled bacon on a stick and covered it with syrup, it was some good eating. It was just a blessed day. I hope everyone has had a good day, and may everyone be blessed.  God loves you and me too. Out little town is at the foothills of several mountains.The trees are beautiful in color this year.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today is my anniversary. I had a lot of things planned but it is not going to happen. Did not rest last night so feel bad today.  I have been married 42 years to the person who stole my heart. When we first met, he did not like me and I did not like him.  I suppose we were just trying to fool ourselves. We were married in a little ole country church in Alabama. The name of the church is Exie Cong. Holiness Church, it has been remodeled since we married and is a beautiful church. Our wedding was just a simple one but pretty.My Mom told me that my Dad cried most all day that day, you see he loved me a lot and I miss him so much.  He and Roy became friends as the years rolled along. Our first home was a very small trailor. We lived in Piedmont. Chris was born while we lived in the trailor. We had friends that lived beside us that had a child about the same age as Chris. These two boys went to school together and played football with each other. We still remain friends to this day with the people next door to us.  They still live in Piedmont, we live on the outskirts of town.Our life together has not been a bed of roses, but we have survived a lot of heartache, pain and fun.  We have always done things together, rode crazy horses, camped, went coon hunting with him once and did not ever go again, I am afraid of the dark and you hunt coon at night, I thought I had to help him do whatever it was he did and I still do feel like this but he says sometimes I just get in the way.  His new adventure is quail I suppose, he has a few and our son has a lot., I try to help with the care of these little birds but have decided they dont need my help, Our Granddaughter sometimes helps them.  We have several goats a min. horse and mule, a few chickens and rabbits, I love watching the animals. It seems like we have always had animals to care for. Last year we had a lot of chickens but finally sold down to now just a few.  All in all life has treated us fair. I hope to grow old with Roy and see our Grandchildren's weddings and such.  They have helped us thru some tough times.  We love them so much. They live just next door. May the good Lord bless you this day Oct. 10th 2012., as he has blessed us so much.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Just a little something I made out of scraps of lumber. Suppose to sort of look like pumpkins, however this remains to be seen.  Hope everyone has had a good Sunday.  Here is a little saying from my "little book" a mis-use of the imagination.  is assuming responsibility that God never intended you to have.  never robs tomorrow of its sorrow. only saps today of its strength.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I chose this saying out of my little book for today.  People Need Love, People need loving the most when they deserve it the least. Faults are thick where Love is thin. Talk to God about people--Before you talk to people about God. Hope all of you have a great Friday. Enjoy God's beauty.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


 I was doing some cleaning and found this little book, it is from Home Interior I think. The author is Mary Crowley. I would like to share a few saying in this book. The first I would like to share is about "attitudes", she says Attitudes are more important than facts. Attitude is the mind's paint brush it can color a situation gloomy or gray or cheerful and gay.  I hope you find this helpful. Have a great day.


This is another little door hanger, it is for my Grandson so it does not any roses.  I hope he likes it because I truly mean these words, for both my Grandchildren.  It has not made it to him yet, hope to give to him today, we shall see? Hope all have a great Wednesday afternoon.